Membership Benefits

  • Membership-only website
  • Generous individualized support for the development of work and family-friendly policies on your campus
  • Free webinars on time-critical topics in work-life
  • Free subscription to The Quarterly Review of Work/Life Policies and Practices, CUWFA's newsletter about best practices and trends in the field of work-life
  • Discounted annual CUWFA conference fee
  • Unlimited access to data and research studies to help you promote work-life on your campus
  • Searchable membership directory Ongoing information exchange among work-life professionals in the US


Providing the best work/family services for your organization means keeping in touch with other professionals in the field. If you're interested in working together to benefit your clients, join CUWFA today.

The CUWFA membership year is May 1 - April 30. 

Why wait?  New members are welcome at any time. Join today and receive reduced fees to our Annual Conference, access to the CUWFA Listserv, and other benefits immediately.


Any person in higher education directly involved in work and family services, policy, programs, teaching or research who agrees with the purposes of CUWFA may become a member upon payment of annual dues as determined by the Board of Directors (hereinafter, the Board) or by CUWFA staff; as authorized by the Board.

The following individuals are eligible for membership:

  1. Work and family professionals employed by a college or university.
  2. Other individuals or non-profit organizations who deliver services, direct programs, supervise employees, conduct research, study or are employed by or enrolled in work/family and related fields in an institution of higher education.
  3. Members of non-profit Professional Associations who represent institutions of higher education.
  4. Any person retired from or having changed positions from any of the roles described in 1, 2, or 3, who is also not currently serving as a vendor or consultant in the field.

CUWFA membership shall be open to any eligible individual who applies, as defined above, without regard to race, color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age or national or ethnic origin.